First, let me shout quickly that I plan to post on ye ol' blog weekly, however I was distracted last week with nasal surgery (deviated septum) and although the thought did cross my mind that others would enjoy the details, I managed to detain myself from writing or posting photos. Since I'm still on the mend, you will be forced to have somewhat of a Tomfoolery post this week. Next week I will return with more of the goods.
Now everyone knows that riding a bike is manly. The sheer thought of straddling anything uncomfortable is close to impossible to resist. But when you add motion and exercise it's off the chart irresistible. (Similar to anything on the grill during football season.)
I've been teaching (and by teaching I mean something similar to teaching) my oldest to ride a bike. It's a workout all by itself. If you've been there, you know it's fun, frustrating, exciting, hard but so good when they 'get it.'
In the process of doing something similar to teaching, I decided to give an example of how the laws of gravity, balance and muscle activity which I had just explained practically play out. So how better to do that then on said bike for which my child was learning to ride. AKA The Barbie Bike.
Long story short: my wife captured the event and posted it on her blog. (Sweet) Well, numerous friends thought it was funny and since then one particular Dad has put forth efforts in which to match...dare I say, one up me. So I thought it only fair to compare / contrast the two examples for a very objective evaluation.
Pictured from left to right: Me, then him (for the sake of illustration let's say his name is "Justin".) And if we must wear labels, Me shall be referred to as Super Dad. Obviously the first observation would be that Super Dad is riding solo, where as "Justin" is accompanied by a child. I can only assume this is a deliberate attempt to show that he may posses superior strength or super-human powers or perhaps that he may have laser vision or fly around the world so that it results in time moving backward. Friends, this is not true. In fact, were I to wrestle this "Justin" clearly I would win in approximately 2:41 seconds in which it would all end in a move known in Greco Roman wrestling as "The Grapevine."
It's not hard to see that Super Dad is focused, with one goal, striving, working and moving in a singular vision..."Justin" looks to be casually strolling, as without purpose - which not surprisingly will be noticed by the young child he embraces and will result in countless hours of discipline in the teenage years. Aside from other notable differences such as Super Dad's superior build, strong beard and Jesus sandals, it also appears that "Justin" is indeed still in training wheels.
I find it sad, that this man, this, "Justin" would stoop to this level to try and compete with what clearly is an area beyond his expertise. But alas, there is grace my friends. And because of this I recant. Well done "Justin" you are on your way to being a Super Man. May you unfurl your sails to the isle of Bikini.
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