A few weeks back, I spent the weekend at a lake cabin with some friends. The original idea was to rally twenty or so old school friends with the hope of remembering some really great things that have happened in recent years. As it turns out, there were less of us than I planned and it was just about perfect.

We are by no means professional musicians, writers or singers - but I have full confidence we could hold our own in most any bar/campfire setting you might dream up. There was an old-Hank, bluegrass, folk smell in the air. After a few well known classics, an original song would often emerge; some complete but most still works in progress.
Original songs may or may not be attractive to any given listener, but there is something true in a song that has meaning to its author. Most of these songs will never be heard by many and they are often sung with shaky voices. They are authentic and pure. I am convinced that out of the millions of songs penned by the unknowns there are masterpieces in that large haystack that would stir the hardest of hearts.
There was such a song that night at the cabin. I hate that I do not have it to upload here in this post, but I do hope it shows itself soon. I'm not certain of the title, but I will share a bit of the lyrics with you:
The wind blows where she wants to
She's like my woman, with a mind of her own
But if you listen, with her there's rhythm
Words of wisdom roll of her tongue
I wonder what inspires us to write? Songs. Poems. Blogs. Letters. etc
For me it's so many things. The most recent is a photo of my bride picking a yellow leaf during a walk we took on Thanksgiving with our children.
So keep your ears peeled and there just may be a song or two here in the near future. Or send me yours and we'll post it to...unless it's really bad, then probably not.
Find something that is beautiful. Something inspiring. Something pure and good. Something horrible that makes you angry. A bitter memory or whenever you buried someone you love. There's a quote that I love and a good friend shared it with me when he was following his dream:
"Most people die with their music inside them."
Don't let it be you. I won't either.