I realized this week that I was literally mad at the Academy Awards. How dumb is that?
The Oscars have been around for 80 years (I'm not good at math, so don't check it). So for all inclusive purposes let's confirm the Oscars have been around for a long time. Here's a tidbit from the L.A. Times on Feb 23, 2015 "The first ceremony made the Los Angeles Times’ front page under the headline “Film-Merit Trophies Awarded.” Coverage was all of one photograph and two paragraphs. Since then, the Academy Awards have become an event watched around the world." My question is: Why are the Academy Awards so celebrated, popular and watched all around the world?
I happen to drag myself to the gym during the week. Lately I've been confined to the treadmill. This is my effort to pound my knee in a less abusive way that will hopefully allow me to continue to not be a fatso, and continue to help my knee heal. The point is, that while I have been running lately, there are TV shows playing. (I take a lot of pleasure in watching the closed captions mistakes). As the Oscars were closer and closer to airing, more TV shows focused on the upcoming event. The unique thing, was that the majority of the air time wasn't about the quality of acting, but about the "stardome" of it all.
The line that totally pushed me over the edge is this: (and I'll paraphrase, but I'm not making this up) Please use your best radio announcer voice: "Last year Ellen took a selfie with Brad Pitt, Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence! How will they top it this year!?" -- What?! Who cares how they will top it this year? Well, apparently thousands (maybe millions) care. They care a lot.
The moment I heard this, I found myself completely and utterly sad. Not that the average Joe and Jane care about acting. Acting is an art that can be beautiful and powerful and life changing. I found myself completely and utterly sad that the focus of so many of the shows promoting the Oscars were about "What will she wear on the red carpet?", "Who's gonna be in this year's selfie?" or just that us average Joe's and Jane's might look upon these people and the fantasy of their lives with such awe.... (and perhaps envy, and celebration.)
I desire for the average Joe to look upon his own family and love to take a photo with them and gaze at that photo with the realization of: "This is my life. This is real. This is good." Even if you have less money than you want. Even if your child has cancer. Even if you just did a horrible thing and everyone knows it. Don't look past your life to the glory of others. Those actors and actresses are real people. (And I believe) They are made by God the creator. And as a person, they are of infinite worth. But get this: You are of infinite worth.
I love movies. I always wanted to be an actor. I acted in college and think I still might win an Oscar one day. If I do, I'll want you to celebrate me then. I kid. I kid. (Sort of.) I give props to the actors who revel in their gifts and inspire and impact us. That's a unique gift to be used and celebrated. But don't overlook your own amazing story going on right now, to gaze upon a room full of A listers with the awe that belongs to better subjects.